(some meandering thoughts from a socially distanced world)
So, I'm thinking about the whole world situation and wondering about a few things. First thing on my mind is that whatever happens, the world will never be the same after this Coronavirus (COVID19) which is a mutation of the SARS virus (version 2). I keep wondering what the world will be like, and what will be our new normal? Whatever it is, I am sure it won't be what our previous normal life was. Someone pointed out that we are just waiting on the brink. Waiting for the world to change.
For mental health, it is sometimes good to look for the silver lining and the good side to every problem. This virus has done some good things. One is to force many countries to re-evaluate their policies that leave our most vulnerable people less cared for. Another is that the air quality all over the world is vastly improved with air travel down 80% and no one really going anywhere or doing much. Carbon emissions are down 50% or lower than they have been since the 1970’s. That’s amazing. Also some countries have brought in universal basic income and many other policies which will be much better for humanity in general. There has been many deaths and much suffering and it will be a while before this is over. But until then, let’s hope that humanity comes out of this better off than when it started. More kind, compassionate, and caring. If that’s the case then it might have all been worth something.
Stay safe and healthy everyone.